
wood chrysanthemum Learn more about wood chrysanthemum

  • How to reproduce Chrysanthemum morifolium

    How to reproduce Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Chrysanthemum, also known as hibiscus, is a plant of the genus hibiscus of Malvaceae. In plant taxonomy, the relationship between chrysanthemum and chrysanthemum is a cousin of the same family. So, do you know how wood chrysanthemum propagates? First, how to reproduce chrysanthemum? Mostly in early spring or plum rainy season

    2020-11-08 Chrysanthemum how breeding wood chrysanthemum also known as hibiscus yes brocade
  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Wood chrysanthemum, or poison root spot chrysanthemum, is a climbing shrub or vine. Branches cylindric, striate, densely tomentose in fusiform or grayish brown; leaves shortly stipitate, thickly papery, ovate long.

  • What should we do if the Phoenix tree grows insects? pest control of Phoenix wood / 2 insect pests 2 diseases

    What should we do if the Phoenix tree grows insects? pest control of Phoenix wood / 2 insect pests 2 diseases

    When we cultivate Phoenix wood, the last thing we want to encounter is diseases and insect pests. This kind of problem is very harmful to the plant, which will not only affect its ornamental, but also lead to the phenomenon of plant withering and death. What about the Phoenix wood worm? How to prevent and control diseases and insect pests of Phoenix wood

  • Maintenance methods of miscellaneous wood bonsai in winter

    Maintenance methods of miscellaneous wood bonsai in winter

    In January at the beginning of the new year, the temperature in the south also bottomed out, coupled with the fact that there has been no precipitation for a long time recently, all these have brought a lot of trouble to plant conservation. Although Shanghai-style bonsai is most famous for pines such as Osaka pine, there are a large number of miscellaneous wood bonsai in Shanghai Botanical Garden. How to maintain these miscellaneous wood bonsai in winter?

  • The difference between hibiscus flowers and chrysanthemum

    The difference between hibiscus flowers and chrysanthemum

    Hibiscus flower, also known as hanging bell flower, fire safflower, is Malaysia's national flower, can be used for viewing and greening, because the shape is similar to wood chrysanthemum, so many people mistakenly think it is the same kind, then what is the difference between hibiscus flower and wood chrysanthemum? Difference 1, family belongs to different hibiscus flowers

    2020-11-08 hibiscus flowers and wood chrysanthemum of distinction also known as
  • Actual pictures of flower planting in the courtyard used to be able to grow flowers like this at home.

    Actual pictures of flower planting in the courtyard used to be able to grow flowers like this at home.

    Planting trees and flowers in the courtyard can not only reduce the harm of air pollution and noise, but also enhance human health and increase the joy of life. When the editor of Huayu Valley's official website saw the following 12 actual pictures of courtyard flowers, he knew that the family could grow flowers like this. Pots and pots were inadvertently dumped, and natural colors flowed out.

  • What is the nutritional value and practice of wood cotton flowers?

    What is the nutritional value and practice of wood cotton flowers?

    What is the nutritional value and practice of wood cotton flowers?

  • Main points of sowing and propagation of Betula platyphylla

    Main points of sowing and propagation of Betula platyphylla

    Betula platyphylla, also known as Betula platyphylla, is a small evergreen tree. The flowers of Betula platyphylla are large, red and have a long flowering period, which can be as long as 250 days in its place of origin. Now more and more flower friends will make Betula platyphylla into potted plants and plant them in the courtyard. They are very beautiful.

  • The latest propagation of courtyard flowers in September

    The latest propagation of courtyard flowers in September

    In September, the temperature in most parts of China dropped slowly, and the monthly average temperature was between 20 ℃ and 24 ℃. There are many kinds of potted ornamental plants suitable for display in the courtyard this month. Among them, woody ornamental plants are: Cunninghamia lanceolata, Pinus elliottii, Pinus elliottii and Japanese gold.

    2020-11-10 Latest September courtyard flowers breeding early chrysanthemum
  • The latest floral language and implication of African chrysanthemum

    The latest floral language and implication of African chrysanthemum

    African chrysanthemum, also known as Fulang flower, marigold, sunflower, etc., is a perennial herb of the genus Compositae, with short rhizomes and surrounded by remaining petioles. Most of the leaves are basal and pinnately lobed. With thick fibrous roots, terminal inflorescences, large flowers and rich colors

    2020-11-10 The latest African chrysanthemum of flower language and moral another name
  • Introduction to three Propagation methods of Dabin Chrysanthemum

    Introduction to three Propagation methods of Dabin Chrysanthemum

    The cultivation difficulty of Dabin Chrysanthemum is not high, the basic leaves are still evergreen in winter in the Yangtze River Basin of China, and the environmental requirements are not high. Artificial propagation of Dabin Chrysanthemum can be done by sowing, ramet and cutting. the editor will introduce to you three common breeding methods and matters needing attention.

  • Making methods of different shapes of Chrysanthemum Bonsai

    Making methods of different shapes of Chrysanthemum Bonsai

    Chrysanthemum is a perennial herbaceous flower of the genus Compositae. The stem is herbaceous and slightly Lignified at the end of its growth. After flowering every year, the aboveground parts wither, leaving persistent roots to survive the winter, and new branches sprout in the next spring. Stem erect or semi-spreading, surface pubescent, easily branched, up to 80150 cm in natural growth

  • The steps of cutting of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    The steps of cutting of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    1. Blue-eye chrysanthemums avoid hot cutting time, so when we cut blue-eye chrysanthemums, we must avoid the high temperature in summer, because the summer weather is hot, at this time, cutting will greatly affect the survival rate of blue-eye chrysanthemums. So the most favorable season for blue-eye chrysanthemum cutting should be in spring.

  • The main points of the reproduction of the bed of the yellow vein jazz

    The main points of the reproduction of the bed of the yellow vein jazz

    The leaf shape of the yellow vein jazz bed is correct, although the adult plant can be up to 2 meters high, but some friends still like to say that the yellow vein jazz bed is made into a large potted plant to be placed in the hall to improve the environment. It is also very beautiful to have yellow flowers at the top of the bed in summer.

  • What soil does Oncidium use, culture methods and precautions of Oncidium / avoid low temperature

    What soil does Oncidium use, culture methods and precautions of Oncidium / avoid low temperature

    We know that there are many advantages of raising Oncidium, the most important of which is to watch flowers, but if we want it to produce pure yellow and elegant flowers, we not only need to choose the right variety, but also need to master certain maintenance skills.

  • How does the sea cucumber grow in winter?

    How does the sea cucumber grow in winter?

    Hylocereus, this is a lot of people like to cultivate, this Hylocereus bloom or quite good-looking, Hylocereus cultivation method is what kind of? Hyacinth winter deciduous Mody: Hyacinth breeding methods: soil selection, selection of good drainage, good permeability of sandy loam as a cultivation substrate

  • Do you know all the 17 kinds of flowers that florists must know?

    Do you know all the 17 kinds of flowers that florists must know?

    Roses, lilies, forget me not... As the saying goes, a clever woman can't cook without rice. The first step in arranging flowers is of course to know the flowers. Do you know all these common flowers? Chrysanthemum flowers can be cut flowers year-round supply, in the international is...

  • Common propagation methods and matters needing attention of sea immortal

    Common propagation methods and matters needing attention of sea immortal

    Sea immortal flowers have dense branches and bright colors, so the difficulty of artificial cultivation is not high and the adaptability is strong. Because of its strong sprouting power, sea immortals can survive the winter in the open field in Beijing. Artificial propagation of sea immortals can be done by cutting, dividing plants and sowing seeds.

  • Main points of sowing and Propagation of Cuiju

    Main points of sowing and Propagation of Cuiju

    Cuiju is a very important horticultural variety at home and abroad, and now dwarf varieties are used in potted plants and flower beds in the world. The cultivation of green chrysanthemum has a long history and is one of the most important potted flowers. Artificial propagation of green chrysanthemum can be done by sowing.

  • Learn the culture method of Clematis paniculata and beautiful flowers blossom on schedule

    Learn the culture method of Clematis paniculata and beautiful flowers blossom on schedule

    Golden lotus blossoms very beautifully, and many people hope to raise this kind of flower at home. However, because there are not many people who know the growth habits of Clematis paniculata, as a result, breeding always ends in failure. Today we will tell you how to breed it.
